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What is Abnormal Bleeding?


It’s a word that often sends panic racing through our minds

and sadly we live in a society

where we are always comparing to everyone else.

What we do know is that no 2 people are the same, so why do we always compare

ourselves to others???

In this context let's put things into perspective, When it comes to bleeding symptoms ask yourself:

What is unusual for you?

instead of

what is ABNORMAL to everyone else.

Like many situations in life abnormal bleeding needs to be considered in the same context what is unusual for your cycle in terms of;

  • Length

  • Duration

  • Flow

  • Colour

These factors vary from person to person and can also be attributed to by diet, exercise, inherited factors & age.

So in this context we can now consider what is unusual bleeding which is defined as any;

"vaginal bleeding that is not a part of a regular period"

The volume of bleeding gives some suggestion of the source for genital tract bleeding.

Heavy bleeding typically derives from the uterus, while staining, spotting, or light bleeding may be from any genital tract site.

If the bleeding is consistently postcoital, this suggests cervical pathology, including cervical neoplasia.

However, postcoital bleeding may occur with contact during intercourse of any site along the lower genital tract that is friable (ie due to cervicitis or vulvovaginal atrophy) or has a lesion (ie cervical polyp or vulvar ulcer)

What causes this?

The cause can further be determined by your doctor by assessing your age and the actual source of the bleeding; vulva, vagina, cervix or genital tract? Sometime Urinary or gastrointestinal is actually the source and not gynaecological at all and so this underlines the importance of seeing your gp to review things for you.

There are numerous possible causes for your bleeding including:

- Hormonal Changes

- vaginal or uterine infection

- Contraceptives such as pill or IUD's

- Fibroids or uterine polyps

- Medications

- Underlying Health conditions ; thyroid disorders

- Cancer in the uterine lining, cervix or vagina

When should I see my Doctor?

When should I see my Doctor?

Like all health concerns, this too is important & NOT to be over looked!

We understand that life is busy and there is always millions of things to be done but your health is most important.

If something is ‘unusual’ for you, put you mind at ease and see you doctor, the answer may well be simple or require some intervention.

Things to remember :

  • Irregular vaginal bleeding is any bleeding from a woman’s vaginal area and usually refers to bleeding that is not part of a regular period.

  • What is unusual for you and your lifestyle, cycle & symptoms

  • Ongoing bleeding issues, see your local doctor for a full assessment to make sure there is no underlying disorder causing the problem.

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