Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the muscles, ligaments and supporting tissue that holds pelvic organs in correct position become weakened or tear.
When this happens, one or more of the pelvic organs drop or herniate into the vagina.
Many women experience minor symptoms and these may not require surgery however 1 in 5 women require surgical treatment of distressing symptoms.
Pregnancy & child birth
Obesity / Weight gain
Chronic constipation
Chronic cough
Inherited weakness of pelvic floor connective tissues
These depend on the organs effected and the severity of the prolapse:
Sensation of a lump in the vagina
Heavy, dragging sensation in lower pelvic area
Urinary infections, poor urine stream, incomplete emptying of bladder
Difficulty emptying bowels
Interference in sexual activity causing discomfort
Vaginal Flatus (vaginal wind)
Types of Surgical Repair
The aim of surgical repair is to restore normal pelvic-organ anatomy.
Dr Saj will asses the damage during the appointment to help plan the best type of surgery to restore normal anatomy & reduce likelihood of reaccurence.
Anterior Vaginal Wall repair (front wall)
Posterior Vaginal wall repair (back wall)
Sacrospinious fixation (restores support to uterus or vaginal vault)
Hysterectomy to treat uterine prolapse
To arrange an appointment simply contact the rooms on ph: 8560 2227 or via the email.
You will require a referral letter to Dr Saj from your usual doctor.